by Chris Peace | Jan 11, 2017 | Diet
The Importance of Protein For me, Protein is the most important macro-nutrient out of the 3 (Protein, Carbs and Fat) Why? Protein keeps you satiated (fuller for longer!) it is also the building block to help you become stronger and leaner. Unfortunately it is the one...
by Chris Peace | Oct 13, 2016 | Technique
Do you single-leg? Single-leg training or uni-lateral training is highly important, not just for the athletes amongst us but the office worker, rehabbing from injury or gym goers in general. Here’s a few reasons why… – Single-leg exercises firstly...
by Chris Peace | Aug 26, 2016 | Daily Workout
A: Deadlifts 5 x 5 Rest: 2mins B: Choose between the two…. 15-mins Continuous 10x Inverted Row 10x High Pull 20x DB Shrugs >>> Or <<< 10x RDL 10x Back Extensions 20x Glute...
by Chris Peace | Aug 25, 2016 | Daily Workout
This impending injury to the knee called for one thing… >>> GUN CLUB
by Chris Peace | Aug 23, 2016 | Daily Workout
Warm-up with the following exercises for 6-10mins – Walking Lunges – Press-ups – Rowing/Skiing Every Min for 40mins Min 1 – 10x BB Lunges Min 2 – 10x BB Push Press Min 3 – 10-15x Slam balls Min 4 – 10-15x Hanging Knee...